Friday, April 4, 2008

souveniers, popcorn, caramel corn, coke! ice cold lemonade!

Would-Be Yankees Bunting Thieves Admit Stupidity

2008_03_foul.JPGThe middle-aged men who tried to steal the Yankees' opening day bunting from an upper deck agree their actions were "stupid" but hope the Yankees drop charges.

Keith O'Rourke, 39, and John Bunjaporte, 41, were arrested on Tuesday night and the Yankees organization, seeking to make them an example of intolerable fan behavior, said they would revoke their season tickets. However, the pair bought the tickets from a scalper, so now the Yankees are still considering what they'll do with the real season-ticket holder (who had sold them to the scalper).

O'Rourke told the Post he saw the bunting was fastened by a screw, so he and Bunjaporte "started to unscrew it, and we looked at one another and said, 'Wait, this is stupid.'" Even though one security guard let them go (because they said they weren't taking the bunting), another guard and a cop took them in.

Bunjaporte said, "I understand, because it was stupid, but come on, relax a little bit. I just wanted a souvenir." But Yankees COO Lonn Trost will not relax, though, "We have a whole year to get through. We're concerned that this will become an epidemic of petty theft." Yeah, and they should worry that when they go to Boston, a hawk will attack A-Rod, because that's what a hawk at Fenway did to a girl named Alexa Rodriguez.

courtesy of

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